To Hug Or Not To Hug, That Is The Question
President Biden declared the Covid Pandemic over and, while folks may or may not agree with him, one thing we have all clearly been...

Working My Way Out Of The Dark...
I sat in my car wondering what would happen if it tumbled off the bridge. It wasn't the first time I'd had this thought, or others even...

Learning A New Language
Shalom - Hola - Aloha... Have you ever tried to talk to someone when you don't speak the language? It can be agonizingly frustrating. ...

You Went Far...
On Friday the 13th, I sat in the sanctuary of our synagogue as Shabbat services began. I love attending services as the music is very...

Running With The Shadows
You know that saying, when the Universe closes a door, it opens a window somewhere else in your life? I've always liked that idea, and I...