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About Shari

Shari face 2020

Shari is a highly regarded evidence based medium who connects with those in the spirit world, to bring forward messages as well as proof that the soul continues and our loved ones are still with us. 

Shari has always been connected to her guides.  She has been hearing them all her life.  She uses her connection to her guides to gain information and guidance from them as well as from the angels. She is clairsentient (“feeling” information), clairaudient (“hearing” information), clairvoyant (“seeing” information) and claircognizant (“inner knowing” information) and uses these abilities to connect with others, their guides as well as with loved ones on the other side. 

Shari has access to all of these abilities however she most often utilizes clairaudience and claircognizance in her work. 


She is also a Certified Grief Educator, helping people gain a greater understanding of their feelings as they move through different aspects of their grief journey.


Shari has been aware of her gifts all her life and considers it an incredible honor to be utilized by our loved ones in spirit  and is grateful every day to do this work and  help others understand that death is not the end. It is often the beginning of something new.  

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Certified Grief Educator
Shari is certified as a Grief Educator through grief expert David Kessler. As a Certified Grief Expert, Shari is able to help people better understand grief, what it is and how they are moving through their personal grief journey. It is different for everyone and learning how grief manifests for each of us can help us not get swallowed up by its intensity. Grief is challenging for all of us and understanding it more fully can truly help make the journey less complex, frustrating and even more meaningful. 
When you work with a Certified Grief Educator, you can be confident that they have completed a certificate program designed by world-renowned grief expert, David Kessler, to bring his unique methodology, tools, and decades of experience to help you on your healing journey.

The Grief Educator Certificate program provides intensive training and practical tools for supporting those experiencing grief.











Shari has been named one of the Best Psychic Readers in Central Florida by the acclaimed website

Click here to learn more.










Shari is proudly listed as a Spotlighted Practitioner with, a Worldwide Spiritual and Holistic Directory designed to help you find the best spiritual and holistic practitioners in your area.









Shari was featured on the reknown online publication, MysticMag, a website dedicated to helping find the best psychic reading services available,  Her article. How to deal with grief and constantly moving forward, was featured in December 2022.  Click here to check it out.

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I believe The Universe is born of love and that our
angels and guides are here to help us in anything we choose to do. 
All we need to do is ask them! 

But sometimes it can be so hard to hear them… 

It is my great joy to help another person to build a relationship with their
personal guides, to connect with a loved one who is no longer here in a physical body or to gain insight into their own life’s direction and purpose. 
When you begin to understand that everything comes from and revolves
around love,
the possibilities become endless
and you can watch The Universe go to work to bring about
the changes and understanding you’ve been seeking in your life.

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