How Do You Know When It's Time To Move On?

“You can’t ride two horses with one ass, sugar bean.”~ Earl Smooter
The movie, Sweet Home Alabama is one of my favorites and Earl Smooter, expertly played by Fred Ward, was so right but, how do we know whenit’s time to move on?
I’ve been asking myself this question for many months, how will I know when it’s time to make this change in my life? I’ve been a Director with Mary Kay for several decades and I’ve known the time was coming for me, not to leave Mary Kay, but to retire as a Director. I love my job (both of them), I love being a Director and helping my consultants. I love being a consultant and helping my clients. And, I love being a medium, psychic and hypnotherapist. Both occupations have been wonderful, lucrative and rewarding but I could see the writing on the wall, I cannot continue to ride two horses with my one ass and do justice to either.
My heart will always be part of MK but my path is clear and, after more than a decade riding two horses, it’s time to fully commit to just one. At the end of March, I retired from being a Director with Mary Kay and, while it has been bittersweet, there has also been joy, excitement and anticipation. I knew the time was right but I didn’t, until it was.
Those who are closest to me knew I’ve been chewing on this decisionfor years. I love my job, my people, the company but I also know there’sso much more I want to do, create and share. I’ve been pushing the latter further down the road and, each time I did, I felt frustration, sadnessand resentment; definitely not the energy I want to live in or that’s bestfor creating good work for anyone. I sat with my guides, I lookedat the numbers, and each time I felt it, “not yet’ so, I waited.
Patience is hard but I trusted I would know when the time was right.I went to events, I looked at the world around me and I listened to my heart. Finally, I felt it, “it’s time.” As soon as I said it out loud, I knew it was right. I just knew. I didn’t think it would be effortless or painless, it is still a huge change. Though, when you’re moving in alignment with your heart, it’s often easier than we expect and, it opens the door for the Universe to respond in kind.
Wonderful opportunities opened up for me, literally the weekI made the decision! One of the most exciting, especially for local folks,is a partnership with the Lake Mary Pub & Tiki Bar to appear there twicea month; one night for Oracle Card Readings and one night for Demonstrations of Mediumship. Other opportunities have been dropping in and I’m thrilled and grateful for all of it.When we listen to the nudges of our heart and open the wayfor God/Spirit/the Universe to work on our behalf, we open the doorfor wonderful things to happen.
Listening is the hard part! Should I have retired sooner? Or waited longer? Is it crazy to let go of the “known” in favor of the unknown?”These questions ran on a loop in my head for months and I always came back to the same place. If you visit my website (at you’ll see this quote; “Reality is not what you see before you, it’s where you believe the Universe can take you.” I believe in the Universe, I trust my guides, Spirit, Ascended Masters, loved ones in spirit, all of them. I know they’ve got my best interest at heart and I know, even when it may not feel like I’m going in the right direction, I really am, I just have to keep the faith and keep on listening. Not so easy, believe me, I know.
This morning I got a call from a dear friend who’s recently welcomed a romantic partner into their life. I smiled, remembering past conversations about making their life and home more welcoming for a partner to come in. What things were important, qualities they valued and, more importantly, what were they willing to do to create space for someone else in their life? It took some time for things to align and now, they marveled when looking at the “wish list” they’d previously created.
The Universe always has our back. It may not always feel like it, especially because we all want clear answers, right now but, if we can trust, and keep listening with our heart, chances are good, we’ll know when the timeis right for us. Still, even a desired change can have hiccups or unseen bumps in the road. Our part is to keep going and try to keep listening.The Universe usually doesn’t mind repeating things if we missedit the first time. Just don’t stop listening and, as Journey says,Don’t Stop Believin’ either.
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